Saturday, January 5, 2013

Find definitions of words with just a double click

Finding meaning of a word while you are enjoying an article on the web is really frustrating, so if you use Google chrome, I have a cool extension for you.
Google Dictionary (by Google) is a Google chrome extension which gives the definition of the word in a popup section just by double clicking on the word. It even pronounces the word for you if you are not too sure about how it is pronounced. Just hit the link below to grab the Google Dictionary (by Google) extension for your Chrome and enjoy exploring new words while reading new articles.

Chrome Web Store : Google Dictionary (by Google)


  1. Nice ..

    Is there any add on in Firefox to do the same task ??/

    1. not to sure about firefox but it is from Google so I don't think they will make things for Firefox, still u can search something similar on plugins for firefox :)


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