Saturday, October 27, 2012

beware of the gifts and thank yous online

Many a time you will end up in something across the internet that looks known known but could be harmful for your information or your computer. You need a little caution on the internet and in this post I will give you a little tip to be safe on the internet.

Here is an example of a link a pop up ad which I came across and it looks similar to youtube on the first look but it's not youtube it is Thank you.
Most of the times at a first glance you will think this is a piece of information from youtube and they are offering you a chance to win a Macbook Air, an iPhone 5, or a Galaxy Tab and you might get started giving your personal information or may be a password of some account. This page could be a fake login of Youtube and will steal my login credentials, I am not saying this is the case here but it could have been. So how can one be certain about the fake and the original site, well there is a simple solution, just have a look at the url in the address bar of your web browser to conform that you are at the right place. Please do check the url whenever some site asks you to login specially when you are redirected to that page from a link. Getting a fake page online and stealing the login information is one of the most common hacking practices. So be careful online and keep your online information secure because it matters to you.

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