Tuesday, December 4, 2012

making mobile apps with HTML5 - getting started

If you are familiar with the development for the web and not want to go through the pain of learning a new language, then no worries there are solutions for you. There are so many options available for web developers to make apps for various platforms like Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows phone and many more. Some of the options to choose from are Phonegap, Titanium and Corona.

I personally like phonegap, have worked with Titanium but not with Corona, Phonegap is now an Adobe products and is absolutely free and so as Titanium, I am not too sure about Corona but it has got a unlimited free trial option.
Phonegap does make thing very easy and if you opt for a paid membership Adobe will do everything for you from packaging the app, bug fixing and submitting the app to the marketplaces. Titanium has also got some paid options do check them out if you want things to be done quickly and professionally. Here is a video with some overview about the three options available for app development using HTML5, CSS and javascript.

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